“Big Technology companies Facebook, Google and Amazon

 “Big Technology companies   Facebook, Google and Amazon

March 2021, at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, four of Europe's most powerful women  

sent a letter to Brussels.     It included a dire warning.     The pandemic had shown how much the EU depends on foreign technology, they wrote   — and this needs to change.      Their language was diplomatic — but the underlying   message was clear: It’s time to rein in Big Tech. “Tech giants will have to change   the way they do business…” "…an unprecedented amount of pressure…”  “A Day of Reckoning…”    "Mr. Zuckerberg, I just   want a Yes or No answer. Mr. Pica, Yes or No?"  Governments around the globe have set their eyes on the world’s largest tech companies.  But how did Big Tech come under so much fire? And how did it get so “Big” in the first place?  We might not always notice

 it — but technology is  all around us. We use it to communicate, to get   information, to organize our lives. And almost all  that technology is made by private companies.      This has given rise to an industry known as Big  Tech. And within this industry, four companies   have become especially powerful:  Alphabet —  which owns Google — Amazon, Facebook and Apple.     In fact, they’re so big now they’re known as the “Big Four,” or by their acronym “GAFA.”  Those “Big Four” actually run fairly different businesses. But what they have in common is that they provide digital services —

 and they have  become so ingrained in our lives that it’s almost   impossible to avoid them.     Take me, for example:  My phone is made by Apple. And when I  use it to surf the internet, that traffic   likely runs through servers owned by Amazon.     Or let’s talk about you: There’s a good chance   you’re watching this video on YouTube,  which is owned by Google. And you might   have come across it on Facebook.     The point is: Big Tech is everywhere.  And this has made the companies very, very rich.    While the coronavirus forced many businesses   to down shutters and plunged the  world economy into a recession, 

  Big Tech is reporting enormous profits.    The stock prizes of all Big Four have skyrocketed:   Some, like Apple’s, doubled in value  since the beginning of the pandemic  But many would argue that this  success comes with responsibility —      and increasingly, people are asking if … "…those company are living up   to that responsibility?" “No, and I don't think we   should expect of Big Tech to be benevolent.”    “They have been trying but it’s really hard.“    “The answer to that depends on  where you are talking from.” Let’s untangle this. The core criticism  of Big Tech comes down to four points:     It’s about how the companies:    —protect the privacy of their users —can be held liable for what’s  happening on their platforms —pay their taxes and —how they treat their competitors  

    And when it comes to the first point — privacy  — Big Tech has been under fire for years. But it wasn’t always that way: The birth of  Big Tech dates back to the Silicon Valley   of the late 1990s and early 2000s, when  most of the companies were founded.     Their missions were ambitious: The startups  were out to disrupt the status quo,   Connect people and give them  unprecedented access to information.      And when a decade later, protests  spread across the Arab world,   many saw that as proof for how the technology  could, indeed, be a force for democracy.  And it was. But what people  didn’t pay much attention to   was how Big Tech actually makes money:     Most of the companies got big by providing   free services — while, in exchange, collecting  data about their users and selling ads.

    And another couple of years later, the Cambridge  Analytical scandal helped many understand that this   very data could also be used to manipulate them. When reports emerged that a consultancy had mined   information about millions of Facebook users  to influence how they voted in the UK’s Brexit  Referendum and the 2016 US election, that  changed how people looked at Big Tech.   

 “Especially in the United States, I think, for a long time,   it was seen as a source of strength. But the idea that there could be groups   inside the United States that were using those  alleged champions of the United States to turn   Their pride into a vulnerability, has  really hit home for a lot of Americans. "Since then, stricter data protection laws  have been passed around the world.      The full truth is that they  haven’t always been enforced.   But increasingly, regulators and courts  are doing just that — and that’s one reason   why Big Tech is feeling the heat.    

The second one is that more attention is paid to  Liability — the question of who’s  responsible for what’s being said   or done on the platforms run by Big Tech. “Supporters of US President Trump have   Stormed the Capitol building to support his  latest effort to overturn his election defeat” It’s a question experts have been debating for  years. But it only moved to the front pages   when in January 2021, following online calls  for violence, a mob stormed the US Capitol.   “What happened on January 6 has definitely  mainstreamed this conversation,” “But we should note that even before  the capitol storming, we were already  Talking about liability of social media platforms,  when we talked about Myanmar, for instance. "Years earlier, nationalists in Myanmar had  already used Facebook to foment violence against  

the country’s Rohingya minority.     “Facebook didn’t even notice that because they didn’t have anyone speaking  the local languages and they didn’t have  anyone monitoring the situation in Myanmar.” “They have grown even faster than they could think  about what kind of responsibility comes with that  growth — and that has been one of the problems. ”Facebook has acknowledged mistakes in   Myanmar, hired more local language  experts and pledged to do better.     But increasingly

, governments say that  such pledges alone aren’t enough. Some,  including Germany, have therefore passed  laws that force the platforms to quickly take   down incendiary posts or face big fines. And speaking of money — there’s a third reason   why Big Tech is under fire: Taxes.    For years, critics have said that the   companies aren’t paying their fair share of  taxes — both when it comes to how much they’re   paying and where they’re paying them. “The problem here is that governments,   both in the United States and Europe, have  given them a lot of space to go to the lowest   point of taxes — to use the loopholes to deploy  their armies of lawyers and accountants

 all  over the world to place profits in other  parts of the world where they were actually   made and to really move the accounting around.” NGOs estimate that in 2020 alone,   a group of 20 countries in the Global South missed  out on almost 700 million Euro from Facebook   and over 765 million Euro from  Google’s parent company Alphabet. “Big Technology companies like

  Facebook, Google and Amazon   will soon be paying more taxes in France…”     Some countries have introduced national taxes   to make the companies pay at least some  taxes where people use their services.  But many believe that a global tax is needed.     International talks were stalled   by the Trump administration.      The Biden administration has signaled willingness   to come back to the table. Some hope for a deal  by this summer. But that’s far from certain.      And taxes aside, some people also say the  companies have simply become too big.      Which brings us to the final issue: competition.  And, once again, it helps to go back in time.  This man is John D. Rockefeller.

 Over a century  ago, he was essentially what Jeff Bezos or   Mark Zuckerberg are today.    Rockefeller had built up an   empire that controlled over 90  percent of oil in the U.S.     This made him the richest man of his time.   But people said his success  was built on unfair practices.  And in 1911, the US Supreme Court ruled to  split up his corporation into 34 companies.  Fast forward by 110 years and you will hear  people say similar things about Big Tech.     In late 2020, US Democrats said in a  report that every one of the “Big Four”   runs a monopoly like “the kinds of monopolies  we last saw in the era of oil barons.”    Companies, they said, effectively have to  sell their products on Amazon’s marketplace   because they have no “viable alternative.”

    Apple, they added, gets to decide what software   people use on their phones — and charges  “supra-competitive prices” to developers.     Facebook bought up companies  like Integral or What Sapp   whenever they were about to become serious  competitors, according to the lawmakers.      And Google has favored its own services  in its search engine and advertising   business, the report said. The companies reject those claims:   Amazon has dismissed them as “interventions  in the free market.” Apple says it does not   overcharge developers. Facebook argues that all  its acquisitions were approved by regulators.   And Google says that, 

unlike what the report  claims, it still does have strong competitors.      But this hasn’t stopped U.S. and other  governments from launching antitrust cases   against the companies.     And some are even asking:   What if we go back to what was done  110 years ago, and break up Big Tech?   Make no mistake: That would be incredibly  difficult and messy, and it’s completely   unclear if any kind of break-up will  happen — but the debate is gathering speed.  “I don’t know to what extent  it would solve all the problems  

 we have with big tech.”    “In some ways, breaking   up a company is a remedy of last resort.”    “It’s a threat to our democracy if any single   company has so much power. And we already see  how much lobbying power they have and how much   money they’re spending trying to influence  not just politics, but NGOs, research. “Around the world, Big Tech is spending more  than ever on lobbying: In Brussels, for example,   the Big Four spent at least 15 million Euro in  2020, according to the EU’s lobbying register.  

  They have their reasons: The bloc is working on  landmark legislation to both curb the market power   of Big Tech and hold companies accountable  for what’s happening on their platforms.  And it was against that backdrop  that the leaders of Germany, Finland,   Denmark and Estonia sent their letter in March.    “As Europeans, we aspire to continue asserting   our democratic values and rules in  the digital era,” they wrote.      And they concluded by calling on Brussels to  “put the weight of the European Commission   behind this joint endeavor.”    It was their way of saying:   Time to get tough on Big Tech.


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