How to convert a personal account into a business account

Hello, everyone, I’m Sunny welcomes to my website Shebagor360 This is the topic of today's discussion   How to convert a personal account into a business account and we will also talk about that what are special features that a business account has but a personal account doesn't have right so in today's article we are going to convert this account which we have already

How to convert a personal account into a business account

created this is a personal account and we are going to convert it into a business account right you can directly create a business account but I have shown you because most of you might have a personal account but you want to switch it to for the professional purpose so I am I'm making a different Article for this right so this is your profile you can come here and here in the top right corner you'll have this small icon you'll click it and you have to go in the settings right in settings there is this there are so many options when you will click on account settings and you will scroll down


 you will see this option then at the very end of the page you will see this option to convert to a business account and here is this clickable link we will click it converts account so there uh there is this table here we can see that what are the special features that a business account has but a personal account doesn't have right so all these things like profile 

picture cover photo and publishing tool you can publish any pin or post right all the both of these accounts have this feature right but what are the other feature extra features that a business account has these are analytics, okay so you can see the analytics here you can see how your posts are doing how your Article is doing which posts are doing great right so you can uh customize accordingly right ads


a manager is there right now currently in India ads manager is not updated right but soon in the like you know in a year or in few months this would be able to right so audience and sites are there in business account but not in personal account conversion insights verified merchant tick you'll get only verified merchant take in business account only right and the default landing page in the personal account would be your home feed which we have seen in the last Article and in the business account


your default launching page would be the business hub where you can see all the analytics right so these are few advantages which a business account holder has but a personal account holder doesn't have right so we'll click on convert account you can go back keeping it personal but we will convert this account and whenever when you click click this option you this will be the window you'll see right here you can build another profile name right


for your business or brand name we can say right so for example we are gonna convert into a professional photography pose right professional photography page right so, I'll type here like um uh click star photography right so this is going to be a random your brand name you can put your company name or your organization name here right and here is your profile picture right so you can convert it into like a brand major kind of brand logo you can put here right and if you have a website right then you have to put your website here right, for example, you do not have a website


 so what you can put here is your Instagram profile URL or your Facebook profile URL or if you have any page on youtube then you can put any link here right so here is your country and the language and we will click on the next right for example we do not have a website we are assuming so this is what is the focus of your brand okay so you deal in beauty home fashion travel right so here we will select one item then that would be design and art right and what are your goals what do you want to do with on Pinterest you want to sell more products or you want to generate more leads to your business or drive traffic to your site or you want to create content for the Pinterest


to grow an audience or you want to grow the brand awareness right so I'm you can pick any three options right all right so I'm picking any three and I'm clicking on next okay so here it is that describe your business what kind of business you are doing right so I'm not sure you can click on consumer girls contractor service provider so I'm putting on contractor and service provider okay so you can see example wedding photographer right we deal in some we provide some service so that's why I've chosen this service provider


 then you have to click on next okay so would you ever be interested in running ads on Pinterest if you're outside of India then you can click yes or I'm not sure yet but in India currently this option like running ads on Pinterest is not enabled it's not able to right so you can just I'm not sure I'm just selecting it and you have to click on the next and that's it your account your personal account has been converted into a business account


 right so this is easy like in within like 30 to 40 seconds we have converted our account into a business account right now you can see that there is like this option has been changed there earlier there was only home feed but now there is a business hub and home feed and this section has been aided added right that is like overview audience insights Article earlier it wasn't there so this is an option that you got right


 now all right so now you have a cover page also this option earlier it was not there but now it is there right so this is an option like cover page was not earlier in the personal account but you get it in your business account so we have converted our account and you can just convert your account to the business account or you can create a business account or if you want to just uh want to use in stress for the personal use or you want to create your content for the Pinterest audience only right so you can create a personal account


 but I would prefer if you want to use it professionally than create a business account or if you already have a personal account you can easily convert it like we just did right so if this article was useful for you then hit the like button if there was any suggestion or any problem

 you are getting while converting your account or creating your account then comment down below this article and subscribe to our website so that you don't miss any Article any uh good Article related to digital marketing or any other topic so thank you so much you

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