Hello, everyone, I’m Sunny welcomes to my website Shebagor360 This is the topic of today's discussion How you can create inspirational beautiful content for Pinterest as you know that Pinterest is all about beautiful things beautiful content right whenever we think of Pinterest we think about the beautiful inspirational content so in today's video we will see that how you can create these kinds of as you can see on my screen these kinds of beautiful content beautiful posts right so basically first of all if we like take inspiration from some of the posts then you can see that here it is the title of the post which is like 100 plus best beauty blog post ideas and here's
the description is okay so as you can see that this post if you look through this port then you can see this is a beautiful picture out there and something some images some text is overlaid to this image right so this is a very important part that no matter what kind of content you are putting over the Pinterest but make sure to put some text over the images right so like this right and you can see that all the images or we can say the 99
of the images have some text over them right so you must put some text over your videos or your images right so I'm gonna uh introduce you to one of uh very famous website that we called canvas if you are already practicing uh digital marketing or if you are into graphic designing then you must be aware of canvas right so this is sort of graphic designing uh website you can create like beautiful content beautiful template beautiful pamphlet uh for
all your social media platforms right so here I'm just gonna on canvas I'm just gonna search Pinterest okay so as you search Pinterest you'll see many pamphlets out there you can take any of them and edit accordingly right so this uh crown thing is the pro version you have to pay for it like it's approximately 499 in a month right so but you can from the filter you can select the free templates right so I'm just clicking on the free and here it is so you can just click any one picture, okay so this is our picture
and I'm just selecting it and you can like edit it right so we can just edit it according to us right so uh for example if we have if you are a food blogger and you want to post something related to food so I'm just posting here I'm just editing it, for example, uh 10 quick and I'm just editing this platform as a breakfast recipe all right with Indian ingredients all right I'm adding some additional detail here Indian households all right so you can just put something like that and you can just edit it okay all right so I have edited it according to us and
I'm gonna put our whatever website you have like foods blog.com all right and you can edit it and you can also change this picture also so you can just take any pamphlet and you can just select any thumbnail and you can change it according to your content right or if you want you can create your own content also right so I'll just show you okay so from this section you can add another page as you can just select three-four pages and you can work uh all of them like together right so I'm just selecting this particular page you can change
the color also right from here you can change your particular color if you want to keep it white or you can just I would suggest that to keep your pamphlets in like the bold bright color so that you can stand out your pen can stand out and people will go through it right so I'm just selecting any random color all right and you can just change it accordingly you can put some elements all here like squares and shapes all right I'm just putting a shape here just like this right so I'm just putting a square here and you can just change
it you can write anything okay so now I'm gonna add the text to it okay so you can change it like many types of fonts are there many types of colors are there right so I'm adding this particular huge sale or all right so this is our post okay so I have added the youth cell you can change your this okay so here is this a beautiful post we have created like within few seconds or you can add further details also right I'm gonna add this to you this like 20 off I'm gonna write I'm going to put it here and I just want to change it like 20
percent my person right so I have put like this I'm gonna add some further details also right signature outfits and you can just reduce the size of your text also the way I'm doing here all right so I have done that you can do so many things out there like you can put it on center or you can just shift it to the left and you can also increase the line spacing all right so like you can see that within like two minutes I can create a beautiful template for my Pinterest right so you can use this app it's completely
free but if you want to try this canva pro if you want some additional features so you can also buy it at 499 right and so this is a very amazing app I would suggest it to everyone right who is engaging in you can create even Facebook and Instagram pamphlets also so you can see that we have created a beautiful uh pamphlet out there so I'll just download it from here you can change the set uh file type also either you want it on jpg file or the pdf or the png so I'm gonna select the jpg file right and we will just download it right okay so after downloading you can see your picture and we will like I'll show you to post it over the Pinterest
all right so we'll just click it and select this picture and here you go and as you can see as I suggested in the last video that your picture should be in two to three ratio right so it has already been and two is to three so that's a perfect thing for you and you can add your title add your description and publish it right so I have just introduced you to our amazing uh website and you can just use it and create amazing and beautiful
content for Pinterest for your blogs and for your website and for your other social media platform so if this Article was useful for you then hit the like button if you have any suggestions any problems regarding using Canva then you can comment down and subscribe to our Website
Thank you so much you
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