Pinterest Rich Pins: How to setup Rich Pins on Pinterest

Hello everyone I hermit welcome you all on Shebagor360 so in this article we are going to talk about which pins so let's first talk about that what are rich pins and why they are important to work over Pinterest and if you want to use Pinterest for the professional use or you want to boost your business by using Pinterest so let's talk about that what are rich pins right so rich pins as you can see Richmond's Pinterest Rich Pins: How to set up Rich Pins on Pinterest is an organic pen it's a type of pin that automatically sync information from your website if you post anything on Pinterest and that particular post has been already posted over your website 

then that particular post will sync all the information which is available over your website for that particular pin right it will get synced and automatically been transferred to the description and the other information of that post over the Pinterest right so this is a like a genuine regular pin but it takes all the information from your website right which is related to that particular pin okay so you can identify how you can say that this pin is a Richmond that you can identify rich pins by extra information above and below the image on close upright as you can see there would be a pen I’ll show you some examples

 later that there would be a pin and above that and below that there would be some extra information and the title of that particular pin would be really bold than regular pens right the title would be bold and there would be uh other information extra information above the pin as well as the below the pin right and one more thing that if you change something over your website so if something changes on the original website where that content has been posted the rich pin updates to reflect their change your rich pin where you have synced all the information for your website that particular pin will be changed their information will be changed right so you can save your time and your efforts right so you don't every 

time you don't have to write a description or you don't have to write some info information about your pin, it will automatically get synced okay so this is what rich pin and you can save a lot of time so I’ll show you a few of the examples so let's talk about what are the different types of Richmond so this is an example of product pins are just like you can see this is a product and this is a bold title for that particular post and as you can see there is the price of that particular post it has been synced from that particular website and your website name and there would be a button if you click that visit button that person will be directed to that e-commerce website right so this is a product pin other types of rich pins are articles pen these are really important if you are blogging or if you are a blogger you are posting something related to your porting articles or some blogs, 

okay so this is an article and this is an article on Pinterest so you can see this is a pin and this is would be at the title this is a bold title and this is the description and anybody could uh let just like select this option and click on this option and it will be reached to that particular website where this article has been posted right because as you know there's a limit of description limit is there on Pinterest you can only post like 500 words so if your article or if your blog is more than 500 words right because articles are really big nowadays so anybody couldn't go to this website this particular website and read the rest of the article, okay so there would be some extra information this is an article pin and the app install pin this is another type of rich pen there is a picture and there's an app available on your 

app store or the google play store you can just click here and anybody could just download this application so this is the app install pins and this is the type of rich pen okay let's see another type of pen rich pen is the recipe pen and that is the most popular pen if you are a food blogger of or if you have a website where you post the different food recipes then you just have to post that particular picture of your recipe or the small Article of your recipe and you will just connect it with that particular link where all the information has been posted already and that Pinterest will sink all the information from that website and will put it here like this ingredient list the directions how to make it the whole recipe it will get synced here so you don't have to post it and do hard work once one more time right so by using rich pins you can grow your business you can boost up your profile you can get more impressions and the most important you can save your time now let's talk about how to enable rich pins okay so you can just start with like just uh right here apply rich pen or create a rich pin and you have to just open this

 help dot business article in rich pin let's see how Pinterest ask us to apply for the rich friends okay so first what you have to do you must have a product article or a recipe over our website otherwise it won't work right by article item I mean it should be in blog format right so you have to add the rich meta tags to your website okay so at metatext is a type of tag a very small tags you have to just add it to all the web pages where your content has been posted for example if you are looking for a particular article then you have to paste this meta tag that I have pasted you can just copy here and paste it over your web pages for example if you are you are looking for right article and you want to post it over the Pinterest

 and this there is a web page where all the articles are related to the economical condition of 2021 right for example so you have to just paste this meta-text to your particular web page and all the content you will post on the Pinterest that is already on that web page the information will automatically get synced here on the printer right so just copy this metadata and go back and there's an option of rich pins validator okay you'll have to click this uh section you will click on rich pin validator and you have to post that particular web page URL, okay so this is one of my web pages, okay and let's see I'm gonna just select it and there are multiple uh articles are here so I'm gonna just select this particular URL I have already 

added the meta tag and you have to paste your webpage URL here and you have to click on the validate as you do that there would be this congratulation your rich pins are approved on Pinterest and this is your information and if you post something from this particular page and or you link this particular page to that particular post the information will automatically get synced and you will be ready to use your rich pins buy this easy method you can apply for the rich pin and you can boost up your business so go and create your account apply for the rich pins and grow your business if this Article was useful for you then hit the like button and subscribe to our website 

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