Pinterest SEO Tips for High-Traffic Success

Hello, everyone, I had met welcomes you all on Shebagor360  ticks so today we are gonna talk about a very important topic and that is Pinterest SEO whenever you try to use any social media platform you have to do the social media optimization and whenever you use a search engine you have to do the search engine optimization and as we have talked already that Pinterest is a social media as well as a search engine so we have to do the social media optimization or the Pinterest social media search engine optimization right so, first of all, let's get to know that what is search engine optimizations so basically Pinterest SEO or we can say the normally Pinterest search engine optimization or social media optimization involves optimizing your Pinterest profile and website right we are optimizing

Pinterest SEO Tips for High-Traffic Success

both the things first our Pinterest account and our website to generate more traffic from Pinterest or I would say you can generate more traffic from Pinterest or through Pinterest like you can get more traffic to your website which from the audience which is already on Pinterest right so Pinterest SEO will optimize our profile and our website also right so let's get talking about what is the difference between google SEO google search engine optimization and printer SEO so, on one hand, google SEO is quite technical there you have to learn on-page and off-page and technical SEO you have to have the deep knowledge of google as you already know that


google consider almost 200 factors while ranking a website but when we talk about pinterest seo it is quite easy and there are like few steps if you have like basic knowledge of interest and you follow few steps right which we will talk in this video then you you will be able to customize you will be able to uh optimize your search engine that is pinterest right so in the only difference google seo and printer seo has is the complicity right google seo is a really complicated and very much complex but pinterest seo is quite easy and we'll talk we are going to talk about that right so let's get started today i'm gonna tell you a few tips few methods from that you can optimize your search engine that is princess right so let's get started so the first steps first step i wanna give you to is that you have to optimize your profile right profile optimization is the number one step that you have to follow while doing pinterest seo the second thing is seo friendly profile name while when we are optimizing our profile then then there are few things that we have to manage let's see what i'm talking about so as you can see this is our profile


and this is our name right if you did like consider it then we have put our name like we cube tech digital marketing and web and app development right so number one tip that you have to customize your profile in and you have to put an SEO friendly name that is the keywords okay we have talked about keywords in our previous video that was a keyword analysis right so do watch this video in this video we're gonna talk about how to place those video to optimize your search engine to optimize your Pinterest right so the first thing is the first thing you have to do is you have to put an SEO friendly profile name right we have put our name like Esq text so that all the things related to our content all the keywords that are related to our content we are providing


 content that is on in our websites right so I have put all the keywords there like we cube tech this is our profile's name then the digital marketing that's related to our content and the web app development right and the second thing like after profile name there would be this description you have to put your description in a way that more and more keywords of which we have analyzed we have researched should be placed here right so your description should also consist few of the keywords right so if you read our description there are few keywords that we have inserted here like we cube tech offers services like web development web designing android and iPhone app development and digital marketing services right so we have done that all right and you have to customize you have to optimize your profile by doing some few settings right if you haven't watched this video Pinterest


settings then do watch it there we have claimed our website Instagram and youtube these are like basic things that you have to do and in that way, you will be able to optimize or we can say customize your profile so you will get high reach right whenever anybody will search digital marketing there are chances that my post or my profile will be there right so this is our first step optimize your profile and we're going to talk more about how you can optimize your profile and the one thing I have told you that uh put a Pinterest friendly or SEO friendly name that I have I believe I have uh clear you in this time right so you have to put your name like there should be some keywords okay so another step of doing SEO Pinterest SEO is verified the website you have to verify your website over Pinterest


we have already talked about it there's a separate video for that then do watch it then the other thing is claim other social media platforms you have to claim other social media platforms over pinterest we have talked about it there is a video like pinterest settings in that video we have talked about what what and how you can claim over the pinterest so it would be really easy to manage all the social media platform together right and verifying your website is really important because as i have told you the major feature that pinterest has is that you can link any url any website page or any link with any of your post over pinterest so this is a major feature of pinterest so you have to verify your website if you do not have a website do not worry you can attach your profile link or instagram link or your youtube link to your post right so this is our uh third tip that to verify your website and our next tip would be to attach all your social media platforms with pinterest or we can say you can claim all other social media platforms over pinterest


 and the other things would be like next thing that is very very very important that create relevant boards you have to create relevant boards if you are a food blogger and you are making something related to north indian cuisine then you have to make a board that specify that this in this board there are recipes which are north indian cuisine or if you are making something italian then there should be another boat for that right if you are making something with the rice then there should be an another board so relevant boats are really very important i'm gonna show you how so in this search engine i'm gonna just search anything related to my field for example i'm searching uh i'm gonna search something about digital marketing all right so i'm searching here digital marketing and from there like see there are so many posts but why these posts have ranked like in the first row why these uh post ranked first right there must be a reason right so i'm gonna open the first post that occurred here right as you can see that here you can see how many times the digital marketing or marketing word has repeated right as you can see this is the image on in that image there are so many uh text has been overlaid and you can see this is social media


right and if you read the title the name of this profile the person who has posted it his profile name is boot camp digital marketing digital media training you can see our keyword digital marketing has been placed here and digital two-time digital world has been placed here right so from there from this profile I can prove that you have to put keywords in your profile name right so that would be a number one tip that I have already told you and there's another important thing which I wanted to show you the person who have saved it he has saved it in a board and board the name of this board is social media so you can understand this post has ranked first and we can say the profile name of that person contains keywords and the board is relevant right because digital marketing is a part of social media right so that's why how you I can prove myself that this is a very important step in SEO


 that you put your keywords in your profile name as well as in your description and as well as the board should be the relevant right you can see that this is another post that occurred there so you can see the person who posted it his name contains some of the keywords like big income paradise social media marketing team make a full-time income from home right so marketing tips are there social media marketing is a type of digital marketing and you have seen here the person who has posted it's in content strategy right so relevancy of board and the keywords in your profile name and your description is must right let's see some other examples also all right so let's see that this person who has posted it you can see that on this particular image the text has been overlaid and it is written that digital marketing and if you see this is the title of this post the 15 plus amazing tools


 for digital marketers and the name of this profile is somewhat related to the digital marketing or blow block marketing and the most important thing is that that person has saved that particular post in a relevant board that is digital marketing tools and tech right so this would be another tip for you that you have to create the relevant ports if you want high rates to your post, okay so more SEO tips are for you that you have to aim for portrait images right I have already told you in the content creation or in the how-to pin video that you can put any size of video any video of any size any picture of any size you can put on in Pinterest and it will accept it but it will be recommended that you post two to three ratio size of pictures right I'm gonna tell you why I'm telling you so the more SEO tips are for you that you should aim for portrait images right I have already told you that Pinterest


will accept any picture sizes or any video sizes for all the formats it will accept but it will be recommended that you can you only aim for the portrait images that is uh two is to three ratio right i'll tell you why i'm telling you this so here you can see that on search engine i have just typed it uh diy and you can see such beautiful post and you can see there's a imaginary wall in front of us and our goal would be to cover as much as we can right because this is our timeline the other people will also have their timeline so we have to cover as much as what we can cover like from for our audience timeline right so you can see this is a post and this is a very small post then this post has covered a lot of space for this particular wall right and this is the size of tools to three this is also tourist to three right and this is a inco in grow though you can post any sizes of pictures right and videos of any sizes any ratio but i would still prefer that if you want a good growth to your content then post only two is to three sizes right because this is what pin is pinterest is famous for this is what we call a pen right so that it can cover your whole wall okay so the another tip for you is to keep an eye on trending whatever is trending just keep an eye on that what kind of audience do you have what your audience is demanding what is trending right now on printers just keep an eye on that and there is a quick tip for that how you can do that i'll show you so after creating the business account


you'll go to this audience insights right in analytics this is an option audience inside and you can see that this is the audience and sites and from this this is our personal or our own audience right but if you go to the all pinterest users right you can see there is the details of all the audience which is presented on pinterest like globally all the people are there and what they want to see right most the most popular categories and related interest of this audience are there right so the most popular categories are home decor related to the food drinks art beauty right and even their further categories are there like in home decor people want to see about wall home dec room decor exteriors home accessories right so in food and drinks people wants to see about a desert jerry fruit right so you can see that this is your audience and these are the trends that they want to see right and here we have the age thing also that how many people are of which ages right and the gender here also right or the devices they use so from this platform this window you can find out that what what type of content you should make you can find


 your niche also if you just started on Pinterest then you can find your niche also from here right and you can find out what type of content you want to make right so just keep an eye on trending this is the very important if you want to do any SEO be the google with the Pinterest or any social media platform if you want to optimize or achieve high risk then you have to keep an eye on what is trending okay so the are important are very very important and i have seen a very high amount of results from this tip and that is that you can add use keywords and hashtags together right for example you are posting something just post something and put some keyword phrases right for example I'm posting something to digital marketing then I'll put my phrases like digital marketing uh social media marketing strategy content content right some kind of these keywords i will use and i will convert those keywords in hashtags also right so i will put my keywords and then i will convert them into the hashtags


 and I'll put both of them like together I'll show you a demo okay so here's an example for you this is a picture and this picture is related to wedding photography right I've made an account of wedding photography right so this is a picture and this is a picture and this is our title is wedding photography poses ideas for the couples I have pasted I have saved this picture on the couple poses named board right so this is our description right if you look for the description then here it is right so this is our description I have added few key phrases right keyword phrases that are wedding photography wedding ideas couple poses wedding and how to find a keyword that we have already discussed in the keyword analysis video so I have added few keyword phrases and I have converted these keyword phrases to these hashtags right so I have converted these hashtag these hashtags


 two over this hash so you can see here I have put both keyword phrases and the hashtags right you can see and these are almost the same right so this is an important trick that you can apply to post your pictures to the higher ranking and you will get a great achievement from that right so I'll just save it this is just to show you okay so our next tip for you is to be consistent and that would be our last step that is consistent post regularly you can use scheduling of pins but con consistent if you are posting like two posts a day then post daily but I would prefer you I would recommend that post five times a day and our last tip would be that be cons consistent


whether you post two-post or three posts three times a day right then you have to be the consistent right post daily I would recommend that post at least five pins five videos or five pictures in a day right and be consistent and give value to your audience that if they will come back and see your content and the more audience will come to your post the most traffic on your website you will get right so be consistent and keep pinning and just follow all these things and keyword analysis video is really important there you will get the knowledge of how to research the keywords what are the good keywords what the keywords you don't have to follow right so the keyword should be according to your content and according to the trend right so we have talked about that then do what that Article description would be in link and if this article was useful for you then hit the like button and if there's any suggestion comment then comment down this Article and subscribe to our website

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